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Instruments and Fire Cables

Ramcro was founded in 1979, as family company producing special cables. In over 35 years Ramcro successfully expanded its presence in different countries and in important segments: Oil & Gas, Fire, Signal & Control, BMS and Optical Cables. Ramcro Laboratory provides any certificates of test run following major international specifications and it is ready to be certified ISO 17025. It is also recognized by international body as Third Part Laboratory. Ramcro solves any kind of technical issue on the cables area, assuring the clients satisfaction thanks to high quality and personalized solutions, improving clients efficiency, and optimizing its processes. Ramcro offers extreme flexible solutions and a complete range of services, even tailor made, based on outstanding worldwide experience.

  • Telephone:

    +974 4441 6211
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    +974 4432 9361
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